The duo sat down with their former host-pimp Chris Harrison to talk about the split for the July 5 segment, and let's just say it's as ugly as it is contrived.
A sneak peek of the interview reveals no big Bachelorette spoilers - just dueling accusations and blaming one another for the demise of a fake relationship.
Asked why they made the breakup so public, Vienna said: "Either way, our relationship had been public. No matter how we broke up, this had to happen."
Right. There was no other option.

"The world was going to want to know," she said. "I know Jake and I knew as soon as we broke up he was going to run to a media outlet and tell his side. I just wanted to make sure I had a voice also. I haven't had a voice this entire time."
Jake responds ... well, presumably. The clip we have here doesn't show that part, but he reportedly gets so pissed at her that makes a fist at Vienna at one point.
Girardi's accusations are consistent with what she's been saying all along, though - that he's a fame whore who misled her. Dude doesn't even put out!
There's also the rumor that Jake isn't into girls, but we'll leave that alone for now. Follow the jump for a sneak preview of the couple on The Bachelorette ...
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