Friday, May 14, 2010

To this we've come--Fan Bing-Bing's wave decoded, Li Fei-Er all at sea. Cannes

Alerted to another appearance by our new power couple at the Cannes Film Festival by looking at (constantly trawling for bits of information) Dennis Lee's blog I followed his lead to, this time trying the sina United States portal, stumbling into this page. While any tech savvy blog owner could save the images in a usable format with a few clicks, it took me the digital equivalent of chipping them out of a stone frieze. This was as much an exercise in navigating a Chinese website while using unfamiliar tools as it was coming up with yet another Fan Bing-Bing/Li Fei-Er post.

Google tranlate, a blunt instrument indeed, the caption on the pictures at which seem to be from a huge user generated set of forums that sina hosts is rendered thusly:

"Fan Bingbing Cannes fame playing the goddess of the chest. May 13, the main competition single film, "Sunshine of Chongqing" (Chongqing Blues) held a press conference after the Fan Bingbing put an LV Baiqun prepare for the next interview. Fan Bingbing large set of dress to the "Greek Goddess" wind, a big show of spring chest".

Works for me.

She is definitely in a goddess gown which is wired and constructed to emphasize her cleavage--one shoulder, tightly cinched at the waist with flowing lines. The neutral greyish color works nicely.

Her lame wave to the crowd may be a result of overcoaching. The woman on the right is holding what looks to be a light meter, if such antiquated things are still used, while the guy n the other side is preparing to poke her in the eye with the broken rib of an umbrella. Both of them seem to be arranging her hands and arms and one begins to think that the poor woman was simply overwhelmed with instructions on what to do when. Although after her wig/hair/hat look at the Louis Vuitton ready-to-wear show Yves Carcelle might have sent a red carpet SWAT squad to make sure it didn't happen again.

Li Fei-Er in an uncomplicated one-shoulder frock that suits her pretty well. Even the color--the shade of orange that is used in life jackets and boats so that survivors can be spotted by search and rescue teams--is fine, especially for daytime. But once again the almost matching lipstick pushes the whole thing over the edge into "what was she thinking" land.

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