Monday, July 7, 2008

Saif's parents approve Kareena Kapoor

Saif's relationship with Kareena just went to another level.

Last week while she was visiting Saif and the unit of his first production in London Kareena bonded big-time with Saif's parents who were also there.

Says a member of Saif's sprawling production unit, "Kareena looked after Saif's parents as she would her own parents. And it wasn't put-on or done to impress them, or Saif. When she feels affectionate towards people she gives unconditionally."

And Kareena is unarguably the first of Saif's lady-loves whom his parents have taken to so wholeheartedly and unconditionally.

Says a source from London, "Kareena has always been an extremely affectionate and warm girl. It wasn't the least hard for her to bond with Saif's parents who immediately took to her in a way they've never done with any of his earlier companions."

Says Saif from London, "It's true. My parents met Kareena here in London and they really got along well. My parents completely adore her, and not because they respect the space she occupies! Oh no! If they disapproved of her they'd certainly make their displeasure clear."

What Saif leaves unsaid is that his parents, one of them totally non-filmy, have disapproved of his earlier relationships.

"But they adore Kareena, " he says a tad wistfully from London since his ladylove left London for Los Angeles some hours earlier. "My dad think she's lovely. That makes two of us."

With Saif's parents thoroughly approving of their future daughter-in-law, one of the major hurdles in the way of the marriage has been solved.

Now all Saif has to do is win over Kareena's parents. A process that he has already started.

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