Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Frances Bean Cobain's Profile

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Frances Bean Cobain

  • Date of Birth: August 18, 1992
  • Birth Location: Los Angeles, California

Frances Bean Cobain literally just turned 18, so for fear of actions taken by various child advocacy groups (and a little bit of help from our own conscience), we’ll refrain from evaluating Cobain’s physical features entirely.

We will say that, for her sake, we hope she avoids the slippery slope of drug addiction and excess traveled by her rock star parents, that's so easily afforded to the offspring of show business royalty.

Instead, Cobain should utilize the wealth of artistic talent that surely comes with being the daughter of one of our generation’s utmost creative powerhouses, and use it to, well, make great art.

Frances Bean Cobain is pale. What do you expect after a life spent living in the shadows. Whether it’s the shadow of her father’s intimidating legacy, or the shadow of her mother’s over-the-top public persona, Frances has had little room to breathe from the very start.

That’s why it must be with open arms that she’s embracing her newfound independence. Apart from a past stint as an intern at Rolling Stone and a famous photo shoot for Elle  in which she wore her father’s famous brown cardigan and pajama pants, Frances has essentially shunned the spotlight.

Her mother has said in interviews that Frances turned down the roles of Bella in the Twilight franchise, and of Alice in Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland. If this is in fact true (and with Courtney who really knows), then Frances has no real desire to be famous.

Instead, it appears as though she’s taking the route of a provocative artist, with her first show, ScumFuck, debuting to rave reviews at L.A.’s La Luz De Jesus Gallery. (askmen)

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